recuperare daune leziuni din accidente de circulatie

Common injuries in accidents

A car accident can cause serious injuries to almost any part of the body. Read more „Leziuni frecvente din accidente”

avocat Cluj - cel mai bun avocat daune accidente auto

ICCJ decision - Preventive measure prohibiting the initiation or, as the case may be, the suspension of the dissolution or winding-up proceedings of PJ

By Decision No 18 of 7 September 2020, recently reasoned and published in the Official Journal of Romania Read more „Decizie ICCJ – Măsura preventivă a interdicției inițierii, ori, după caz, suspendării procedurii de dizolvare sau lichidare a PJ”

avocat cluj napoca, cabinet avocatura cluj

Off-land agricultural land - conditions and steps for sale

Extra-urban land is space located outside the boundaries of villages, communes or towns intended for Read more „Teren agricol extravilan – conditii si pasi pentru vanzare”

Decision of the Court of Cassation - A person who entrusts a vehicle to a person under the influence of alcohol is criminally liable only if that person has a blood alcohol content of more than 0.80g/l pure alcohol

By Decision no. 14/25.05.2020, published in the Official Gazette no. 135/10.02.2021, the High Court of Cassation and Justice, through the panel for the resolution of questions of law in criminal matters, established an important element regarding the guilt of the perpetrator in the case of the offence of entrusting a vehicle to a person whom he knows to be under the influence of alcohol, an offence provided for by Article 335(3) of the Criminal Code.

Decision of the Court of Cassation - A person who entrusts a vehicle to a person under the influence of alcohol is criminally liable only if that person has an alcoholic strength of more than 0.80g/l pure blood alcohol

Read more „Decizie ÎCCJ – Cel ce încredințează un vehicul unei persoane aflate sub influența alcoolului răspunde penal doar dacă persoana în cauză are o îmbibație alcoolică de peste 0,80g/l alcool pur în sânge”

avocat despagubiri Cluj-Napoca, avocat daune accidente Cluj

Compensation in record time for victims of car accident on Horea street, Cluj

Compensation in record time for the victims of the accident on Horea Street in Cluj-Napoca. Read more „Despăgubiri în timp record pentru victime accident auto str. Horea, Cluj”

recuperare daune accidente Cluj Napoca

Who can benefit from compensation under the RCA insurance policy?

The law establishes several categories of beneficiaries and concrete situations in which the coverage of the RCA insurance policy intervenes Read more „Cine poate beneficia de despagubiri in baza politei de asigurare RCA?”