Accident damage recovery > lawyer Cluj
We ensure the recovery of car damages, whether the accident occurred in Romania or abroad, including in case the guilty party does not have a valid insurance policy. The compensation is granted on the basis of the RCA policy (...)

CASCO claims recovery > lawyer Cluj
CASCO insurance is an optional insurance of the car for partial or total damage caused to it following a future and unforeseen event. CASCO does not take the place of compulsory insurance (MTPL).

Professional insurance recovery claims
The purpose of professional insurance is to cover damage caused to beneficiaries of professional services by those who, by virtue of their profession, offer advice or provide a specialised service.

Special insurance recovery claims
Special insurances are aimed at the protection that an insured person takes out, depending on the specific nature of his activities. These insurances cover, among other things, the protection of agricultural crops, livestock farms and agricultural machinery.