avocat recuperare daune accidente Cluj

Moral damages car accident. Determining the amount of compensation

Tort liability is defined as a duty of any person to observe the rules of conduct which the law or custom of the place imposes and to do no harm, Read more „Daune morale accident auto. Stabilirea cuantumului despagubirii”

avocat Cluj, recuperari creante, despagubiri accidente rutiere

The right of an insured person who is a passenger in a motor vehicle to obtain compensation for the damage suffered

In practice, the question arose at some point whether the insured person of a vehicle that caused a traffic accident can be compensated for the damage he suffered, if at the time of the accident he was only a passenger and not the driver of this vehicle. Read more „Dreptul asiguratului, pasager in autovehicul, de a obtine despagubiri pentru prejudiciul suferit”